Monday, July 6, 2009

Islamic Ministry's banning spree

Last week it was women's mosques. This week the Islamic Ministry, lead by the Adhaalath Party, is set to ban Airtel dish antennas. 

The Adhaalath Party, which failed to win a single seat in the recent parliamentary elections and may have died a natural death like the Islamic Democratic Party has, nevertheless, been embraced by the MDP government for some undisclosed reason.

The Adhaalath Party does not have enough clout of its own to perform as an independent party, but leeches off bigger parties for survival. Up until recently, it was the mistress of Gasim's Republican Party. Now it is slutting for the MDP, which it earlier tried its best to discredit.

Music may be the next to go if Maldivians let Adhaalath have its way.


  1. MDP's new flag:

  2. I think the Islamic Ministry should be renamed as 'Ministry of Banning and Islamic Affairs according to Dr. Majeed'

  3. what are the channels in that. If thats Kumkum and all the rubbish, then i don't mind.

    what is the reason btw?

  4. @ last anon - The Christian channel Godtv.

  5. dhivehi jesus movie

    christian links

    now what? will mauloof go and beg his granpa to ban youtube and blogging?

  6. y do that Adhaalath and Majeed take religion as the weapon for everything... Isnt there anyone to sand against them for misusing the religion...

  7. Dhiraagu's Broadband Marathon will be held on Friday (July 10) afternoon. If you think Dhiraagu is ripping us off with their high internet prices and low bandwidth, organise a small protest where the marathon is held. Demand to reduce the internet prices and ask Dhiraagu to offer better packages. Be there with some placards. Internet Aiy Foraa Fashah Agu Heyo Kurey!

  8. Not only broadband. wireless is shit too and in resorts they really give shitty connection speed and prices are too high!

    They should be ashamed!
