Monday, August 17, 2009

The human rights commission: tennis and foreign trips

According to Human Rights Commission of Maldives insiders, the president Ahmed Saleem is in the habit of arriving leisurely for work, settling himself down comfortably in his office, and watching tennis on cable TV for most of the day. Vice-president Mohamed Zahid, meanwhile, never misses an opportunity to go on a foreign trip, even when it is to attend a specialist workshop or meeting more suitable for a reporting staff. A strict division is maintained between the "members" and "staff" of the HRCM, with the former reaping all the benefits like overseas travel and out-of-the-country expenditure. 

Both were appointed to the posts by the previous government, due to their close links to Gayoom. Saleem, of course, was a recipient of one of the notorious presiden't office "loans". To date, the HRCM hasn't found a single human rights violation that would implicate the aging ex-dictator, even though the commission was involved in all the high-profile investigations of alleged prisoner abuse of the recent past. Saleem was aslo part of the commission set up by Gayoom to clear himself from the murder of Evan Naseem and others in Maafushi jail in 2003. If Gayoom's motive for getting these two into the HRCM was protect himself from the barrage of accusations, he clearly chose the right pair. 

At the height of the recent Sula Siraz controversy, Saleem was overheard "confirming" to people that president Anni did, indeed, drink.  The human rights chief knows only too well which party controls the votes needed to get himself re-appointed and Zahid, a member of the DRP, has always been a faithful defender of Gayoom. 

Human rights experts who have worked with the pair have been flabbergasted by their sheer ignorance of international human rights laws and their unwillingness to learn.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the HRCM has not made a statement against the recent flogging of an 18-year-old girl in Male, or Wahhabi preacher Bilal Philips's endorsement of lowering the age of marriage for girls to the onset of puberty. These would violate at least four UN conventions signed by the Maldives: the child rights conventions; the convention on the elimination of discrimination against women; the civil and political rights convention; and the convention against torture. But Saleem and Zahid have been silent and no one has openly challenged their silence.

Under the leadership of the former human rights president Mujthaba, there was some hope that the Maldives would move towards an independent, efficient, and functioning human rights commission. But today, staff are frustrated with their new bosses and morale is at an all-time low. No one can get Saleem to sign anything when tennis is on, and many worthy initiatives by the staff themselves never see the light of the day.

The latest from the HRCM is that the president and vice president have been more active lately; apparently, their terms are about to expire and they are sweating it out in the bid to get re-appointed to continue to enjoy fat salaries, tennis, and foreign trips.

A human rights commission staff has pointed out to me that Saleem has an exemplary record of reporting to work on time. So I apologise for describing his arrival at work as "leisurely" in the first paragraph of the post.


  1. Please dont take things out of context. About lowering the marriage age for girls. Bilal Philips as i understood it said that in the olden days, past history girls got married at an earlier age. he did not say this is how it should be now. dont create such fitna.

    About such heads not working why are you just picking on this commission what about all the other commissions and government departments where the same is likely to be practised. here again one goes after the person just like some few people went after maumoon before and now see that the new government is worse that the maumoon administration.

  2. Is this really true? Have the integrity of the HRCM always been compromised? Just like the courts have been?

    While the nation is going bankrupt we find people still playing tug-of-war to satiate their greed for power & money.

  3. bilal said "yes you can marry a nine year old". why because prophet did so and anything prophet did is a sunnah.

    put whatever spin on it but one who has really listened to his sermon cant say he did not.. you can even ask The Salafis .

  4. @ anonymous2.41
    Other Commissions are not mandated to monitor and protect the human rights of the people of this country, so if this commission is not functioning properly it SHOULD be talked about instead of maintaining silence.

    Speaking of which, i wonder if the staff of the Commission just goes along with the negligence of the Members and does not have the nerve to stand up to them. I think Human Rights Commissions should be staffed by people who are strong advocates of human rights and should stand up to their superiors if they are just sitting on their jobs! If they are just want to sit around earning money they can be a staff of any other civil service institution, why join the human rights commission.

    Also, being I believe the only Commission with women Members, I have never even heard a female Member of that Commission ever standing up and saying anything about women's rights either. Or any other rights for that matter! What a waste of public money. I guess they are just in it for the money.

  5. All metioned in this article is true. Human Rights Commission has members whose loyalty lies deeply with Maumoon & his DRP. I worked there before and saw it happening with my own eyes. saleem is a carefree fellow with no thought of what has been going in there. But still he could be considered as someone with a neutral opinion on topics. His judgment and decisions are often clouded by the very talkative Zahid. The Chattebox! Who dont know how to shut up once started.

  6. if your allegations against the hrcm is really true, how come that mr kieren, executive director of the asia pacifif forum of national human rights institutions, of which maldives is a memebr, recently said in male that the hrcm is a model for small states who are interested in establishing national human rights institutions? the hrcm must surely be doing something right.

  7. mihaaru beyrun bayaku genesgen saleem aai zahid ulhenee campaing jassaigen

  8. I have worked with the commission as well and i know tht the allegations made here are most untrue. this has to be the work of a dissatisfied x employee. the commission consists of 5 members where every member has equal say in its decision. It doesnt function as a ministry where the minister has the final say in everything. its democratic and right based in every aspect. The president Mr. Saleem is the most punctual person in the entire commission. Ask anyone who work there or anyone who knows him. He arrives before 815 everyday. He doesnt have to be there in time, but he does so because he is a dedicated and punctual person. HRCM is a role model for all the institutions in the country. The member-staff relationship is worth acclaiming. The staff are free to discuss their issues with the members themselves even with the presence of the directors. But HRCM staff maintains high levels of discipline. This the staff learns from the members themselves. They teach them to respect everyone no matter their gender, status, colour and so on. Dont ruin a perfectly honest and dedicated instution just because you dont understand and appreciate their work.

  9. flogging is part of islamic shariah. If the human rights commission has said something against it, then they would have been called anti islamic! the human rights commissions act itself states "rights can be described as those abiding the islamic shariah and then the conventions of which the country is part to". wake up people! change made to be brought to the justice system, legislatures and the parliaments! dont blame everything on the human rights commission.

  10. myhunge aburaa behun noon kame kaleymennaka kuraaka neynge dho? bayaku dheke rulhi ayas thy dhen bodu varu igey

  11. dhogu vaahaka dhehkkumaky muslimakahvehure kurun biruvethivaan jehey kamehkanves mi liyun liyunu meehaa ah neyngeythy hithaama kuran. j viyas thy dhen boduvaru ingey........pspspsps

  12. Thimaa ah kurevey konme kamakee nuvatha emeehakaa havaalukurevey massakatheh vias enme furihama ah kuranee thimaaah kamah heekoh nuvatha mavareh nethigen ulheveythee thimaa konme gothakah ulhunas kameh nukureveyne kamah heekohgen huttaa ragalhu filaavalheh libijje kamah unmeedhukuran, adhi ehaame maaiy maqsadheh gai massakaiy kuramun gendhaa Commission eh badhnaam vaagothah vaahaka dhakka hedhumakee thimaa hurihaa dhuvahu ulhefai dhiya than badhnaam kurun kameh mi sight ah mauloomaathu dhevi .......... beyfulhaa ah neyguneebaa...... thimaa ah massakathah Offeehah haasiruvevey gadi aa ehenkanthakah ballavaa levun keehthoa...... muskulhibahun bunaanama " Thimaalaa guiburin dhuvaavas thimaa ah nubaivas nudhuvaa fadhain ekamakuves ehen meehunge guin varah nubaivas dhuvaa vaahaka thibeyfulhun nahves egeyne dhethoa?" Veema meehun badhunaam vaakahala vaahathah hadhaigen kiyamun noosthaka dhemun dhiyayas thiyaku kuraane kameh neiy? buneveynee kuriah oiy thaagaves agamaithirivegen massakaiy kurehvumah naseyhaiy therivan!

  13. What an insult to Mr Saleem who works so hard. See this Miadhu article for proof.

  14. I have also worked at the commission and I would have to respectfully disagree with all but one point noted by anonymous 10:51 pm.

    The Commission is indeed composed of 5 members but it is obvious to everyone who has worked there that they do not have equal say in any decision that is made. Most of the time, discussions are dominated by one member of the Commission and decisions are made autocratically by this same member.

    President Saleem is indeed very punctual. So much so that he refuses to conduct an iota of rights related work outside of official hours. I doubt that the rights of the Maldivian people deserve protection and promotion only within the hours between 8:15 and 16:00 hrs.

    The relationship between the members and the staff is evident by this blog post itself and some of the subsequent comments. I doubt if the relationship is as described by anonymous 10:51, this could have been posted at all. The behaviour of the members can in no means be described as disciplined. i sincerely doubt that making crude sexist remarks and touching the Commission staff inappropriately constitutes model behaviour.

  15. For Anonymous 1:13

    the extent one goes for revenge, huh? stick to facts rather than makin up malicious lies

  16. extremists in both the drp and mdp do not like the hrc because hrcm critisizes the govt as required by law. when drp was in power, the hrcm was labelled as pro mdp. now it is the oppostite. hrcm is seen to be pro drp in the eyes of hard core mdp activists. it is a strange world we live in.

  17. gaumuge hurihaa kame dhen activistunaa havaalukohgen thibenveethaa? bala dhivehiraajeyge enmenaky bu'dhi filaagoss thibi baye nooney

  18. So apparently there are many staff loyal to the Commission Members! Good for them. Bad for the nation, but hey who cares.

  19. ma hama hairaanve antharees vejje mi liyun fenifa. bayege aguvataala, kuraa ragalhu massakaiytha olhuvalaa handhan bayaku kohfa huri massakaiy vara ragalha eba feney. masha igey gothun viyaa comm thakuge massakathaky sarukaaruge massakatha monitor kurun. haqqutha hoadha dheynvegen rayithun inthibaa kohfa onna sarukaara, rayithunge majlihuney mikantha furihama kohdhey jeheny. thi ishaaraiy kuraa comm in nerefa huri report thaka sarukaarun beeru kanfatha dhinyma ekanthaves dhen jahanvy e comm ge nakamiyaabyege gothugatha? kaleymen hama islaahe nuvaane.

  20. How about talking about what he has done for the nation and to the county. I remember people carrying a good sign about Ahmed Saleem and supporting him for his articles. We have to understand that Human rights do not work for the president neither DRP. They work for the people. I believe sometimes people get frustrated when things does not go their way but as a nation we have to believe there will be times where we have to understand the criticism without spying on him just because he watches Tennis from his Office computer. I am sure everyone does it. All I know is Ahmed Saleem works independently on the cases and issues but not as a party line, so when you speak you should be someone in a line between the people and nation, not personally affected by something you want.

  21. The HRCM has been been shaped and structured into an institution with more redtape than the average beaureaucracy.

    Unlimited funds have been poured into HRCM by the international community, but it's done little to promote fundamental human rights in the Maldives. How can HRCM promote international human rights standards and norms when the personal beliefs of the VP and the public image that the President demands that they concede to all that's said "in the name of Islam"... Indeed, those who know little dare not speak out on such things lest their faith be questioned!!!

    Constitutionally the HRCM consists of five equal members, but the dominance of two members is no secret. Anyone who doubts this can go out and ask 10 random people on the street to name the members of the HRCM and I doubt they'd know more than 2 names!

    Anyone, whose path has crossed Vice President Mr. Zahid's, will be left in no doubt as to his prejudices of which misogyny is just one.

    None of the current HRCM members were ever promoters or believers of human rights and none would ever be, for they do not have it in them to of all human beings as equal. For them man is above woman, Muslim above non-Muslim, and Maldivian above the rest of the world.

    It is in the interest of the public to oust this Commission ASAP and put in place a completely new commission.

  22. Here HRCM for you...

    1. Saleem -

    Neutral in thinking. Does not seem to be biased to any specific political party. Goes to office on time and leaves on time.In fact, he is obsessed with sticking to time. Good in personality and rich in knowledge.

    Not good in managing. VP Zahid runs the commission from inside. Outside, and in the media its mostly saleem. Saleem's authority is very much diminished in the everyday activities of HRCM. In fact, he is very much bothered by the things Zahid does and he is powerless infront of zahid's big mouth and dominance. But what the hell! For the public eyes its he who runs HRCM. After all he is the president. He has his favorite set of girls wherever he has worked so far whom he favors a lot.Sure enough he would have his favorites in HRCM. He often find pleasure in taking the time to approach these favorites of his and talk to them or crack jokes with them. But he would not talk much to boys. A few years back, in a cafe in harbour area saleem was spotted verbally harassing some girls by saying certain remarks on the size of their boobs and butts.

    Zahid: The unofficial president of HRCM. Corrupt to the core. Loves to live in style. Uses commission budget for his posh life style.

    Zahid thinks he knows everything. In dhivehi he could best be described as a roanu edhuru. Talks a lot, but often does know realize it bores people when he goes on and on.

    Corruption: Mostly travel in business class or first class when others travel in economy class. He often refuses to travel in economy class even if he being booked for economy class due to financial deficits. He uses an apple computer system at office coz he find it hard to use MS word and watch youtube on a cheaper system. All other members including saleem has cheaper systems. He used commission money to buy a personal laptop which stays at home. He cannot go to aiport in a normal dhoni. A launch has to be hired. He buys phones and other such small accessories from HRCM budget. In short, he sees HRCM budget as a free pass to a posh life style. Though he would never realize he is the most disliked member among staff.

    Other three members: Just pure puppets of Zahid & Saleem. They have a say on certain things and they are given authority on certain tasks. But when it comes to real stuff they dont have much. Zahid makes sure he keeps these three members as dwarfed as possible so that his power would not diminish. They cannot talk openly and speak their mind in front of Zahid.

    As mentioned in a previous comment these members are unfit for a place to protect and promote human rights. As long as they get their share of money they are ok!

    They abuse staff anyway they want. Favors some unfairly and treats bad whom they dislike.

    These members should resign.

    What these members are wasting is not their mothers or fathers money.

  23. To the comment which said Mr. Saleem works hard.

    No member in HRCM works that hard as its staff does.

    Its the staff who sacrifices a lot of time and energy to produce results so that these members can take credit.

    Its a shame, Zahid talked on tv about employment rights the other night on tv.

    HRCM staff gets the lowest salary among the independent commissions.

    When the working time changed the staff were promised they would get an increment due to this change once the changes brought to civil service are clear. No one but Mr. zahid said so in a staff meeting. It never materialized and when a staff brought up the issue in another meeting Mr. zahid said "thiyee mihaaru ehaa adu ahaa hiyvaa kahala vaahakaeh noon" and he prevented staff from talking about it. What a hypocrite! For him there is not economic downturn when it comes to spending for his luxurious lifestyle.

    The staff never got anything for the extra hours they work.

    HRCM should stop talking about employment rights. The employment act clearly says staff should be paid accordingly if they are to work at extra hours. A number of HRCM staff work at night time and also during weekends just coz they have to finish the projects on time so that mr. zahid and saleem and the rest can take credit of. But not even a penny is paid extra. So first give rights to your own staff and they talk on tv about rights.

    Also HRCM salary is not in a fair way. Those favoured by saleem and zahid can get promoted easily and can get paid extra. Those who dont have much a qualification and those who just dont give much input to work also gets a larger salary while those who deserve it gets lower.

    Each time a staff complains they would be told that their ithuru gadeege laari is included in the salary. What a stupid excuse! Why on earth are other commissions give a better salary and still their staff can get money for extra hours they work?

    Also, a number of staff has been fired without much explanation, without prior advise, just because they dont like the person or refuse to become a puppet of them. They would fire a an eployee for some rumour they heard. Soo much for professionalism and human rights!

  24. way to go zahid. live in style when you can! No one in this country is bothered about the plight of the ordinary folks. so why would you? Even if you are the vp of prison rights commission... oops

  25. if there are such violations of employment act... why not the staff (advocates of human rights) dont fight for it?

  26. i am usually least bothered about these blogs but had to come to the rescue of saleem i happen to know. he is the most down to earth, simple and honest people in public service today. he took a govt loan. why? because he refused to steal public funds. he paid it back. what is wrong with it. long before most people talking about democracy and human rights, saleem was doing in his own columns. if not for people like him, the writer of this blog would still be locked up and in solitary confinement. he is a veteran of the maldivian foreign service and is popular and has friends in all parties. he is always on a motor bike even if he has a car of his own. i heard that he was even given a car by the previous govt but he refused. a very person unlike some of his counterparts in other independent commissions. pls do not misuse freeedom to defame and discredit people like saleem who is a real asset to the country.

  27. to anonymous 12:42 pm
    simply because allegations here are widely taken out of context. the staff of hrcm as well as the members are disciplined and patient. those who couldnt upheld the discipline had to leave, thats why he or she has to go on spreading malicious lies. staff at the commission doesnt get an overtime allowance (which is included in the salary package as a fixed amount) but they still put in extra hours and effort because they believe in their work. they doesnt do it for its monetary value unlike some who did and in the end had to leave because they were unfit for the work of the Human Rights Commission.

  28. in every institution the heads lead their staff in their work. that must be the case for the Human Rights Commission as well. so whoever holding a grudge needs to get his or her facts right instead of acting immature and childish.

  29. miothy vaa balaa ea thaa dhen dho....HRCM dheke rulhi ayas boduvaru dhen .... dhoguvaahaka nudhakaa... ebae ragalhu vaahaka ves eba huri... ekam maabodaves dhogu vaahaka eba huri... members ey kiyaafa hama thibi ahrumen kahala insaanun hama... mathin baavaa leavi bae noon... dhen aharumen insaanun naki vara ragalhu bae viyya dho... dhin eacheka libunu eachaka shukuru koggen thibima nimuni noon... mahusharu dhuvahun thi enmen na ves human rights onnaane... members aa ves edhuvas annaane.......dhen la la la

  30. how dare u people say something about my members... im very mad


  31. so there are staffs who benefit from these members..hakuru dhenyaa bodubaybe vaane thaa then ..

  32. This one is for
    _ _
    ___<_> ___ _| |_ ___ _ _
    <_-<| |<_-< | | / ._>| '_>
    /__/|_|/__/ |_| \___.|_|

    I heart HRCM

  33. Can Maldivesdissent please remove these non-relevant and obscene comments that has been appearing on the comments section today. Freedom of expression in one thing but this is just immature spamming from dimwits.

  34. Saleem is goood and hard working.

    Zahid is bad!

  35. if Islam really went to the hearts of the people, if they really felt Allah's Mercy and the pain for justice and compassion that every Muslim should feel, they would not behave like this and frankly I am very sad if this article is really the truth...

  36. no surprise. the most useless institution in the country. full of lazy members and incompetent staff. the only reason the staff work there is because they get such a high salary and trips abroad. travellin within the ountry under a pretext of awareness workshops and invvestigations is another pointer. poor maldivians. all ypur precious money wasted on a completely useless institution. do a background check on the staff, you people are going to be so surprised.

  37. im surprised I'v never come across this article. well, ive known the members as well as the staff of hrcm and heres what I have to say about them.

    some selected staff are the favourites of the members.

    some selected directors are the favourites of the members.

    some selected staff are the favourites of the favourite directors.

    these selected group of favourites get all the benefits. Promotions, trips abroad, meetings, trainings and so on.

    one particular favourite was awarded two promotions in two years. with just lousy O Levels she is now a Senior Staff.

    some new degree holders get the position of directors while the same qualification give officers and assistants.

    group of flashy girls are a particularly favourite group. promotions, trips abroad, trainings and trips within the country are mostly reserved to this group.

    best way to secure a job and benefits at the commission, get into the good books of the favourite directors;
    be best friends of one of the direcor's sisters, date the play boy director, be one of the members frnd's daughter.

    such a shame.

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  50. I don't like the durable of all those lists he's making - it's like taking too divers notes at high school; you experience you've achieved something when you haven't.

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  56. In the whole world's time, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into flame at near an contend with with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad recompense those people who rekindle the inner transport

  57. In the whole world's time, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into passion by an contend with with another benign being. We should all be glad for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport

  58. In everyone's existence, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into flame at hand an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport

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    As you are getting older, steer clear of too much sun exposure. Sun exposure will result in the skin to wrinkle much more. Your epidermis gets slimmer and more delicate as we grow older, so you do not want to increase the creases by keeping out under the sun too much time. Be sure that you wear sun screen lotion whenever you go out. If you live in an region where by sewers are acknowledged to support into residences. You will need to use a backflow control device into your floor drain pipes. By doing this you may stop upcoming back-up of sewage to your property. This piece of equipment can save you much money from lack of residence as a result of sewer water contamination, and this will also save many hours of effort required to clear after these back ups. [url=]Jeremy Scott Adidas[/url]

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    An excellent tip if you'd like to save cash on red wine when dining out is always to ignore the wine by the cup. This is the way a lot of dining places make almost all of their funds on wines nevertheless the consumer really misses out since most bottles are open up for too long in any case. [url=]Louboutin Australia[/url]
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  81. In order to prevent and remove zits you must clean your face twice a day having a soft cleansing soap and soft washcloth. Whilst it might appear much more worthwhile to wash it more frequently, excessive deal with cleaning may actually make your pores and skin overproduce essential oil. The excess essential oil may cause further issues with acne breakouts. [url=]Hollister[/url]
    Try to eat plenty and lots of garlic clove. Garlic herb has many rewards, which include anti-yeast properties. The anti-candica properties of garlic clove can help to protect against and treat yeast infections. Nevertheless, garlic cloves can slender your bloodstream, so when you are taking any blood thinning prescription drugs, talk to your general specialist before upping your garlic herb absorption. [url=]Timberland Shoes[/url]
    Phone a specialist to look your property and eliminate mildew build-up as a way to lessen your exposure to allergens. Contaminants at home can and quite often do originate from silent and invisible fungus powering wall space and beneath floorboards, however mold is notoriously tough to identify. An expert can find problematic mildew and remove not merely the mold on its own but supply guidance to prevent potential mildew build up at the same time. [url=]Vibram Five Fingers Sydney[/url]
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    It's fascinating to notice the sensation known as deja vu is broadly thought to be caused by your brain mailing an event straight to long-term recollection. Trauma for the head often erases long-term memory space whilst sparing quick-word storage. However, neurological situations including Alzheimer's illness do just the contrary.Add Muscles And Gain Power With One Of These Muscle mass-Constructing Tips [url=]Mbt Shoes Clearance Australia[/url]
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    Use a variety of vegatables and fruits in your drinks. Not only will this keep the likes interesting, but it is possible to get a larger range of nutritional vitamins from the fruit juices. Try out one new ingredient every week and when you have a hypersensitive reaction, you'll know which substance induced it. [url=]Mbt Shoes[/url]
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    Do your greatest to protect yourself from things that have quite strong odors since which can be an allergy induce at the same time. Perfume, hair mist, cleaning alternatives and insecticides are simply several of the items try to steer clear of if it is in all possible. When you have to use any of these issues only use them sparingly. [url=]Air Max[/url]
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    Toned (or perhaps remove) any leaves or shrub limbs that are inclined on to your property. These arms and legs and wilderness remember to brush serve as outstanding scaling tools for pests and rats or rodents. It's like having a step ladder attached proper to your home, a sure encouraged indication on an infestation. Correct shaping might help continue to keep these unwanted pests under control. Developing your muscles requires a similar dedication, effort and time that any self-enhancement process does. You have to do the workout, nevertheless the correct information and facts and discovering the best techniques can be far more useful than you understand. Utilize the tips in the following paragraphs to set you on the right path.Need To Know Suggestions To Use Although Camping outdoors [url=]Jeremy Scott Adidas[/url]

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    Notice a physician when you have ongoing back discomfort that failed to originate from tension or injury. It is actually typical for anyone to be affected by kidney ailments and feel that it is their rear harming. Kidney contamination is a very severe health issues and never obtaining it handled can have harmful consequences. [url=]Christian Louboutin[/url]
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    Automobile insurance are available for many types of vehicles, such as automobiles, vans, vehicles, and in many cases motorcycles. Whatever the automobile is, the insurance plan will serve the identical function for them all, supplying settlement for car owners in case there is a car crash. If you would like tips on deciding on automobile insurance for your car, then read through this article. Obtaining out and enjoying coffee at the neighborhood cafe can help get rid of cabin high temperature. You may get your laptop or any other system which uses Wireless and have some gourmet coffee from a espresso property. Dining places frequently feature this great solution as well. [url=]Nike Shox Nz[/url]

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    Constantly spray perfume prior to put on your jewellery. The chemicals in cologne are not good for jewelry and can even cloud particular items like pearls. So remember, generally spray your fragrance before you place on your precious jewelry. Taste wine within an atmosphere free of aromas. When you have food cooking, use candle lights or have other odours current while you are seeking to taste a wines you will not get an accurate impression. Aromas will discord using the preference and could leave you with a distaste to get a vino maybe you have loved otherwise. [url=]Fake Oakley Sunglasses[/url]

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