Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Should Adhalath sheiks be put to death?

Under Islamic Sharia, they could well be. More than one Adhalath sheikh has at one time or other accused Gayoom of not being Muslim. Under Sharia law, the punishment for apostasy is death. But a person who accuses another of apostasy and is unable to prove it must suffer the same punishment themselves. Leading Adhalath sheikhs Hussein Rasheed Ahmed and Abdul Majeed Bari failed to prove in court that Gayoom was not a Sunni Muslim. If the Maldives had enforced Sharia punishments, it is highly probable that these two would not be alive today to voice their laughable threats against Anni.

In their most recent rants, Adhalath sheikhs have been threatening to bring Anni down from power if he continued to argue for the abolishing of Hadd punishments, which the conservatives are interpreting as anti-Islamic. In the process,  Adhalath may be overplaying their own role in the fall of Gayoom. In fact, Gayoom won in the first round despite Adhalath's open lobbying against him. On the other hand, the Adhalath-endorsed candidate Gasim, despite his unlimited powers and resources, only managed to get fourth place. When Gasim joined the MDP coalition Adhalath had no choice but to follow their master or fade into obscurity.

The truth is Adhalath never had enough support in the Maldives to field a presidential candidate of its own, which was made glaringly obvious in its failure to win any seat in the parliamentary elections. The only power it now has is the Islamic ministry, which the government must surely have realised is a big mistake. 

Adhalath's string of failures include the banning of DJs, Airtell, dissenting websites, and their much mocked plans to start a TV station with Zakath money. In contrast, Adhalath has never raised its voice against child abuse or done anything to stop the spread of terrorism in the name of Islam by a growing number of Maldives. 

But their biggest lie may be the unquestioning equation of Islamic Sharia Law with Islam. In fact the only unquestionable source in Islam is the Quran. Sharia law, while containing elements from the Quran weighs more towards Hadiths. For instance, there's no reference to stoning to death in the Quran. 

The second most important source of Islamic Sharia is a proven liar. Abu Huraira, who narrated over 5000 Hadiths (Aisha, the prophet's wife narrated just over 2,000), was accused by the Prophet's companions of fabricating sayings just to gain status in society. Indeed, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second guided Caliph, threatened to send Abu Huraira into exile if he did not stop lying about the Prophet. 

But, as with the buruga, the religious conservatives, heavily influenced by Wahhabism and the generous funds they receive for spreading it in the Maldives, tend to forget this. Many progressive Islamic scholars only regard Hadith as useful to establish a historic context to Islam. As for Sharia law, emerging scholars have dismissed it as deeply flawed and archaic. But criticism of Sharia law amounts to just that, and cannot be said to be a rejection of Islam.

But Adhalath has always worked to mislead the public and use religion as a tool for their personal gains, just like Gayoom did in the 1970s and 1980s. 

The irony is that if the Maldives implemented Islamic Sharia Law, Adhalath sheikhs, known for their blunders and buffoonery, are more likely to find themselves at the receiving end of its many cruel and inhumane punishments. 


  1. Well said. nothing more, nothing less!

  2. i love you maldivesdissent

  3. lol, well abt the law suit, no one won the case, the court failed to give a make a discussion on it so they said it should be sent to criminal court, in simple terms supreme court failed cause of gayooms pressure. talking abt stoning you have no idea what the quran says, secondly have you heard abt the verse, obey everything your prophet brings upon you, and turn away from everything that your prophet warned you of...... have you

    talking abt abu hurairaa, he dedicated his life to learning, e accompanied his life with the prophet, talking abt aisha, when did she became his wife, how many years abu huraira accompanied the prophet,
    omar bin khatab never ever threatened abu huraira, thats a big fat lie. try to prove it if you can.

  4. 1)In 2008, Adhalath filed a case against Gayoom at the Supreme Court, claiming the dictator was not a Sunni Muslim and hence could not contest in the elections. But at the hearings Adhalath sheiks Hussein Rasheed Ahmed and Abdul Majeed Bari were no match for Gayoom's lawyers Gubad Abu Bakr and Afrasheem Ali and on 4 October, the Supreme Court ruled against the Adhalath Party. In other words, Adhalath lost and Gayoom won. [http://www.supremecourt.gov.mv/en/?p=n&i=39]

    2)I repeat, stoning as punishment is not prescribed in the Quran.

    3)The prophet was entrusted with the task of imparting God's message, i.e:-the Quran; how he urinated, etc, is irrelevent.

    4)Abu Huraira spent less than 3 years in the company of the prophet. Umar not only forbid him from narrating hadhith and threatened him with exile, but beat him for amassing wealth from the people when he was made governer. Umar also called him "enemy of Allah and enemy of His book". Many historians have written on the subject, including:

    Ibn Athir and Ibn Abi'l-Hadid in his Sharhe-Nahju'l-Balagha, Volume III
    Ibn Sa'ad in Tabaqat, Volume IV
    Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Isaba
    bn Abd-e-Rabbih in Iqdu'l-Farid

  5. really well done, you got balls Maldives dissent, you said what needed to be said, you said what I wished I had the balls to say and you helped me alot...inspired me to overcome my own fear...


  6. what hurts me man is the anxiety, the anxiety that ppl have to put up with if they speak out the truth or against Islam. I hate that anxiety, it is destructive... When Maumoon went it left me but it is coming back to crush me and I dearly wish it could be done away with once and for all...cruel, the anxiety we go through is cruel thanks to the powerhungry maniacs that want to rape our souls whther they be drug dealers or gangsters or Mullah s or politicians I can't go through that again... free speech has to have a militancy about it to be mainatined...

  7. Great article, Mldivesdissent. I am glad somebody has the guts to speak up against Adhalath. I don't know why nobody in Maldives dare to stand up against them, including the president.
    Makes me wonder whether we gained anything by changing the regime.

  8. Excellent, well written article and I couldn't agree more (not literally with the title ofcourse). I just hope the majority of the populace has the guts to stand up to them when the time comes to make a choice.

  9. I agree with Willow. I don't like this lax attitude of most liberal Maldivians towards Adhaalath, as if they have no power at all. There are people who support them, and with the rising level of extremism, their support is bound to increase. If we wait till they win an election to take them seriously, then it might be too late. Nip it in the bud I say.

    The poor conservative working class can always be mobilized to rise up against the rich liberal elite. Crazy ideas like Nazism and Islamism are useful catalysts for these uprisings. Iran and Afghanistan are examples.

  10. Who cares about religion today?? All of our scholars, oh my mistake, these "tarnished bullies", are only concerned with "declaring others faith".

    Its seems they have invented a new scientific technology to measure aqeedha (I call it aqeedha meter)

  11. What pisses me off are people like Anonymous 12:14 who try to distort the truth and then spread their fabricated lies, in the hope that people who are too lazy to check the facts for themselves will be "converted" to the lies.

    The facts are all there to see,
    Anonymous 12:14. Take yourself, your fellow Hypocrites and your lies to the depths of Hell.

    Thank you DissidentMaldives for your strenuous efforts to bring factual information to all of us.


  12. i say, inject a bucket of testosterone into truth, give it the balls to stand up to the lies!!!

    sick of hiding in frickin shadows a nd saying a whole lotta shit out of fear of what the consequences will be...

  13. articulate and to the point as always,

  14. This is the new wave of liberal education. I'd love if we could all take some lessons in religious education from Simon and Maldives Dissent, some instruction in analytical honesty by Yaamyn the blogger, a course in militant attitude from Mr. Shadowrunner, some instruction in soul power by Hilath…

    Now thats an important damn education to have right now I think!

    For all you other professors of liberty who educate us here through your awesome bog comments and pages etc..., I have not forgotten you, but your classes are on tomorrow, we only have time to introduce todays lecturers!

  15. This is the new wave of liberal education. I'd love if we could all take some lessons in religious education from Simon and Maldives Dissent, some instruction in analytical honesty by Yaamyn the blogger, a course in militant attitude from Mr. Shadowrunner, some instruction in soul power by Hilath…

    Now thats an important damn education to have right now I think!

    For all you other professors of liberty who educate us here through your awesome bog comments and pages etc..., I have not forgotten you, but your classes are on tomorrow, we only have time to introduce todays lecturers!

  16. http://abdul-rahmansblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/foundation-for-liberal-islam_06.html

    A liberal version of Islam in case you may want a different flavour

  17. to dissidentmaldives

    The Quran does not allow eating fish. Why are you eating fish?
    Quran does not define how to pray. It says to prey. How do you know how to prey?

  18. 1)The Quran, does not prohibit the eating of fish hence there's no reason not to.
    2)The Quran takes into account that the tradition of praying was already well-established among followers of Abraham and, therefore, a detailed description was not necessary. Contrary to Salafi/Wahhabi claims, however, the Quran does mention all the steps, and the times, of the salat or prayer. So it is unnecessary to draw on hadith to learn how to pray.
